ELLE, janvier 2016
5 activités pour assurer au ski ...
France 2, janvier 2016 : "Renforcer son corps grâce au Pilates" #CCVB
Comment s'activent les muscles appelés du "powerhouse" dans les différents exercices de Pilates :
Article intéressant sur les abdos et la grossesse (en anglais)
Rétroversion du bassin & cyphose
"When the pelvis moves into line energy in the pelvic floor and core can be accessed to lengthen the spine."
"The four curves of the spine—sacral, lumbar, thoracic and cervical—are supported by the position of the pelvis. If the pelvis is in the correct position the spine can extend and its four curves can be maintained."
Rétroversion du bassin & "tête en avant"
Quand la tête avance, la colonne suit ...
"The four curves of the spine—sacral, lumbar, thoracic and cervical—are supported by the position of the pelvis. If the pelvis is in the correct position the spine can extend and its four curves can be maintained."
Rétroversion du bassin & "tête en avant"
Quand la tête avance, la colonne suit ...
"Forward head posture throws off a number of key relationships in the body and for us the main culprit for forward head posture is a tucked pelvis and poor abdominal tone."
"(Gain) the confidence to know your body can do and will do what you ask of it. A strong body comes from the will of a strong mind!"